拼音:kě chǐ de 英文解釋:
disgraceful; shameful; degrading; ignominious; inglorious; scandalous相關對話:
- 政府官員接受賄賂是可恥的事。
It is a scandal for officials to take bribes
- 宣判被告無罪, 這真是可恥的事
It is a scandal that the defendant was declared innocent
- 現在,這個可恥的女人盯上了更大更好的目標。
Now, this scandalous woman is on to bigger and better things!
- 那個酒鬼是我們社區里可恥的人物。
That drunkard was the opprobrium of our community.
- 他們在這一事件中扮演了可恥的角色。
They played a shameful part in the whole affair
- 一個十分可惡,可恥的傢伙
A thoroughly contemptible, detestable person
- 可恥的行為
a dishonorable action
- 說謊是一種可恥的破壞信譽的行為。
Telling the story was a flagrant breach of trust