beat; torture中文解釋:
拷 kǎo 打:拷打。拷問。拷掠(泛指刑訊)。三拷六問。 筆畫數:9; 部首...>>查看“拷”在國語字典中的解釋
- 他說他受過折磨拷打,從他身上的傷疤看來倒也可信。The scars on his body lent colour to his claim that he had been tortured.
- 嚴刑拷打往往使施刑者和受刑者都喪失人性。Torture always dehumanizes both the torturer and his victim.
- 他拷打犯人。He tortured his prisoners.
- 不管敵人怎樣拷打,他一句話也不肯說。No matter how the enemy tortured him, he would not say a word
- 列印一張控制頁面的拷貝。Print one copy of the team summary sheet.
- 今天我還把CD拷給你了.I also couried the CD to you today.
- 笞責用笞杖來擊打或拷打To hit or beat with a rod.
- 拷打將(人或動物)置於酷刑之下To subject(a person or an animal) to torture.