- 少女大約到18歲時開始社交,通常要為她們舉辦盛大聚會,從此以後她們就被看做是成人了。
In society, girls come out when they reach the age of about eighteen, and usually it is at a big party in their honor; after that they are looked on as adults.
- 她把他的話看做是恭維話。
She took what he said as a compliment.
- 青少年犯拘留所的拘留能看做是教育嗎?
Can detention in a remand home be regarded as educational?
- 我們不該把成敗看做是個人的事情。
We must not take success and failure as a personal matter .
- 幾年來此畫被看做是林布蘭的真跡。
For years the picture passed as a genuine Rembrandt
- 我們一點一點地學看做那項工作。
We learn to do that job bit by bit.
- 北冰洋被看做是大西洋的北部。
The Arctic Ocean is considered to be a northern part of the Atlantic Ocean.
- 我發覺一個被看做是仇人的人原來是朋友。
I found a friend in a supposed enemy