拼音:kàn bú jiàn英文翻譯
disappearance; invisibility相關詞條:
1.withoutvisibility 2.invisibility 3.wentoutofsight 4.outofsight 5.goneoutofsight 6.disappearance 7.imperceptibility例句:
- 太陽被雲遮住看不見了。The sun disappeared from view behind a cloud.
- 那個賊一溜煙兒轉過街角就看不見了。The thief whipped round the corner and out of sight.
- 我在那站著直到看不見那輛車。I stood there until the car was out of sight.
- 比如:空氣是看不見的。For example, air is invisible.
- 細菌用肉眼看不見。Germs are invisible to the naked eye.