字典網>> 漢英字典>> K開頭詞條>>坎比的英文翻譯


拼音:kǎn bǐ


【醫】 kambi


  1. 坎比亞索用手阻擋對方的傳遞,卡利亞里贏得一個25米開外的自由球。
    Free kick to Cagliari 25 yards out after Cambiasso handles a Rossoblu pass
  2. 馬庫斯.坎比為成功的賽季邁出了第一步。
    AP - Marcus Camby took the first step toward returning to his big season.
  3. 何況還有坎比,馬丁的復出,以及可用的內內。
    And, with Marcus Camby and the return of Kenyon Martin, Nene is expendable.
  4. 坎比亞索用手阻擋對方的傳遞,卡利亞里贏得一個25米開外的自由球。
    Free kick to Cagliari 25 yards out after Cambiasso handles a Rossoblu pass.
  5. 這一場,坎比還在那兒,試圖封蓋。
    Camby is still there and is always trying to intercept the shots.
