拼音:kāi zhàng 英文解釋:
【經】 make out an account; opening the books中文解釋:
(1).打開帳子、簾幕。 南朝 宋 劉義慶 《世說新語·假譎》:“ 右軍 ... >>
查看“開帳”在國語詞典中的解釋 漢語造句:
- 保險費42,500元已記入貴方借方帳,上開帳目,已核算無誤。
I have also credited you for premium of insurance$42,500, the account thereof having been found correct.
- 肉店將把我這個月所買的肉錢開帳單給我。
The butcher shop will bill+ me for the meat I bought this month.
- 給…開帳單提供公眾花費的單據
To present a statement of costs or charges to.
- 給…開帳單提供公眾花費的單據
To present a statement of costs or charges to
- 分別開帳
itemize a bill
- 請以後開帳單給我。
Please bill me later.