拼音:kāi shěn 英文解釋:
【法】 hold a court; sit at session中文解釋:
開庭審問。 魯迅 《三閒集·匪筆三篇》:“命令被告枵腹恭候於異地,以俟自己雍容... >>
查看“開審”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
holdcourt 漢語造句:
- 別根據外表來評價你的律師。你的案子一開審,他會全力以赴,管保叫你吃驚。
Don't judge your lawyer according to his appearance. He'll come up to the scratch in a way that will surprise you when your case is heard.
- 開審;審訊;(尤指無陪審團的)聽訊
Trial of a case in a lawcourt, esp before a judge without a jury
- 公開審查的公開受檢查的。尤用於對檔案
Open to general inspection. Used especially of documents.
- 關於史密斯與瓊斯一案,法庭延期至下周開審。
In re Smith vs Jones, the court has adjourned the hearing till next week.
- 在開審時,他為被告作證。
He gave witness on behalf of the accused person at the trial.
- 這件案子什麼時候開審?
When will the case come on?