拼音:kāi lù英文解釋:
carve out a way; open a way; open circuit; plough【化】 open circuit
已被切斷的電路 >>查看“開路”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.incompletecircuit 2.makeaway 3.open(circuit) 4.gateopener 5.opencircuit 6.openingofcircuit中英例句:
- 這個人走在我們前頭開路。The man went ahead of us to clear the course.
- 她用肘開路向前走。She elbowed her way forward.
- 她用胳膊肘開路從遊客中擠了過去.She elbowed her way through the masses of tourists.
- 線上測試完成的第一項測試任務就是短路、開路測試。The first test an in-circuit tester performs is a shorts-and-opens test
- 我們步行了一個小時後便離開路徑,走進林子裡。After an hour’s walking, we left the beaten track and entered the woods.
- 只有你能夠替燦爛的春天開路,And only herald to the gaudy spring,
- 我妻子開路,孩子們跟在後面,我壓陣。My wife went first, followed by the children, and I brought up the rear.