- 他倆生的女兒叫哈耳摩尼業,日後成為戰火連綿的底比斯王朝的開國女祖。
Their daughter Harmonia is the ancestress of the unquiet dynasty of Thebes.
- 屋大維成為了一個新時代的開國皇帝。
Octavian became the first emperor of a new era.
- 7月4日開國紀念日,我們在各地燃放鞭炮。
On July 4 we set off fire crackers in many places.
- 那國王認為召開國會將損及他的權威。
The king felt that summoning a parliament would derogate from his authority
- 倡議召開國際會議
propose the calling of an international conference
- 他是開國元勛之一。
He was one of the founders of the state.
- 屋大維成為了一個新時代的開國皇帝。
Octavian became the first emperor of a new era
- 開國大典
the ceremony to proclaim the founding of a state