拼音:kāi duān英文解釋:
alpha; beginning; cue; dayspring; origin; proem; start; threshold【經】 debut
開始,發端;事情的起頭良好的開端 >>查看“開端”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.threshold 2.outset 3.proemial 4.proem 5.leadoff 6.dayspring 7.origin 8.cue 9.alpha 10.exordium 11.commencement 12.prologue 13.inception 14.initialzing 15.starter相關對話:
- 【諺】良好的開端,是成功的一半。Well begun is half done.
- 【諺】好的開端等於成功一半。A good beginning is half the battle.
- 這個條約將成為持久和平的開端。The treaty will be the threshold of lasting peace.
- 你已經做出了良好的開端。You've made a good beginning.