拼音:kāi dǎo英文解釋:
channel; enlighten中文解釋:
啟發人明通道理 >>查看“開導”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 老師雖盡力開導卻勞而無功,我仍像以前一樣糊塗。The teacher's attempts at enlightenment failed; I remained as confused as before.
- 展開導線to unroll the lead
- 我只是為了開導你才告訴你這件事的.I am telling you this simply for your edification.
- 如果我不知道你們為什麼這樣做,你能開導我嗎?Can you enlighten me if I do not know why you did so ?
- 啟發;開導;開明;文明Act of enlightening or state of being enlightened
- 開導學生(使其思路清楚)to lead pupils to think clearly