字典網>> 漢英字典>> K開頭詞條>>卡的的英文翻譯


拼音:qiǎ de


【機】 calorific


  1. 基於PCI匯流排的CAMAC機箱控制卡的研製
    Study of CAMAC box control card based on PCI bus
  2. 紅外無線串列通信適配卡的設計
    The Design of Infrared Wireless Serial Communication Adapter
  3. 持卡人尤指持有信用卡的
    One that holds a card, especially a credit card
  4. 基於DMA引擎的高速網卡的性能分析
    Analysis on the Performance of High_speed NIC Based on DMA Engine
  5. 基於RSA算法的數據加密卡的設計
    Design of Data Encryption Card Based on RSA Algorithm
  6. 電腦遊戲卡的設計方法
    Designing Method on Computer Game Card
  7. 請讓我來列印一下信用卡的信息好嗎?
    May I take a print of your card, please
  8. 臨床護理溫馨卡的設計與套用
    Design and application of clinical nursing “gentle cards”
