拼音:jù zhù 英文解釋:
monumental work中文解釋:
篇幅長或內容豐富給人深刻印象的著作一部六卷本巨著 >>
查看“巨著”在國語詞典中的解釋 中英例句:
- 你太膚淺, 無法欣賞這類文學巨著。
You're too superficial to appreciate great literature like this.
- 我讀過長篇巨著《戰爭與和平》。
I read the epic work “War and Peace”.
- 教授寫了一部有關拿破崙的巨著。
The professor wrote a lengthy book on Napoleon.
- 左岸,是一杯咖啡,更是一本思想巨著。
Leftbank, it is a cup of coffee and more like a mentality masterpiece.
- 我們為這部巨著的付梓作準備。
We prepare the great work for press.
- 這位作家用畢生的精力完成了這部巨著。
It took the writer all his life to finish the great work.
- 他的最新作品是一部關於哲學的巨著。
His latest offering is a magnum opus on philosophy
- 他的最新作品是一部關於哲學的巨著。
His latest offering is a magnum opus on philosophy.