拼音:jú wài rén英文解釋:
outsider【法】 outsider; stranger
(1) ∶不屬於一個組織、社團或沒有得到允許參加其活動的人(2) (3) 不被某... >>查看“局外人”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.outsider 2.wallflower 3.notwithit漢語造句:
- 在這許多要人中間,她感到她是個局外人。Among so many distinguished people, she felt quite out of it.
- 她看上去像是局外人--大概是她不會說英文的緣故吧。She looks rather out of it -- perhaps she doesn't speak English.
- 一個局外人是不難在我們的方案中找出缺點的。不過你不了解的是我們所面臨種種技術上的困難。It's easy for an outsider to pick holes in our programme. What you don't understand is the technical difficulties we face.
- 一個局外人要想在我們的方案中找缺點是很容易的。It is easy for an outsider to pick holes in our programme .
- 在局外人看來這好像是一種田園式的生活。To an outsider this looks like an idyllic life.
- 問:你會覺得是個局外人嗎?又如何處理?Q: Do you feel like an outsider, and how do you cope?
- 外人,局外人某一組織或團體之外的人One who is from outside a particular group or community; an outsider.
- 我們都想融入,但是我們還是覺得我們是局外人。We all search to fit in,but we all still feel we are outsiders.