拼音:jūn xiè英文解釋:
armament; ordnance【機】 arms
包括武器、彈藥、戰車和其他必需的維修工具設備在內的各種軍用器材 >>查看“軍械”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 軍械士武器製造者,尤指槍械A manufacturer of weapons, especially firearms.
- 軍械技術兵種Ordnance C
- 軍械士武器製造者,尤指槍械A manufacturer of weapons, especially firearms
- 軍械師受命裝炸彈。The arm ourers got an order to bomb up.
- 軍械檢驗員an inspector of ordnance
- 卡特:軍械庫?你想在那找到什麼?Captain Carter: The armoury? What do you expect to find there?
- 詹姆斯·邦德:來吧,我們去軍械庫。James Bond: Come on, lets go to the armoury.
- 軍械庫武器倉庫;軍火庫A storehouse for arms; an arsenal