拼音:jū jìn英文解釋:
crib; imprison; lock【醫】 internation
關押、逮捕監禁 >>查看“拘禁”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.crib 2.imprison 3.internment 4.custody 5.coop相關對話:
- 把…關起來:把…拘禁在籠子內或拘禁在似籠的地方To confine in or as if in a cage.
- 把雲雀拘禁在籠子裡是很殘忍的。It is cruel to confine a lark in a cage
- 把罪犯從拘禁狀態中解放出來並有條件釋放。release a criminal from detention and place him on parole
- 在船的艙房中使人有受拘禁之感。One feels cooped up in a cabin on board a ship
- 在船的艙房中使人有受拘禁之感。One feels cooped up in a cabin on board a ship.
- 它不是關於增加犯罪者被拘禁時間和加重犯罪者量刑的法律。It is not about increasing jail time or sentencing for perpetrators.
- 用暴力拘禁某人的犯罪行為。the act of taking of a person by force
- 嫌犯被拘禁一星期。The suspect was kept in custody for a week