拼音:jué wù 英文解釋:
awareness; become aware of; preparedness; understand; understanding中文解釋:
(1) ∶由迷惑而明白,由模糊而認清,也指對道理的認識(2) ∶進入到一種清醒的... >>
查看“覺悟”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
realise 2.
preparedness 3.
prepare 4.
preparation 5.
realizeise 6.
awake 相關對話:
- 好人早死——因為他們覺悟到:既然要當好人,活著也沒用。
The good died young- because they see it's no use living if you have got to be good.
- 我們要有這個覺悟,要有這個認識。
We should understand this and bear it in mind.
- 我們希望她能覺悟過來, 改正錯誤。
We hope she'll come to her senses and correct her mistakes.
- 高度的政治覺悟
a high degree [level] of political consciousness
- 現在這些人應該覺悟過來了。
It is time for these people to wake up.
- 你覺悟到只有你自己一人才是這條路的管理者。
98 You realize you alone you are the keeper of this path.