拼音:jué chàng英文解釋:
the peak of poetic perfection中文解釋:
指詩文創作的最高造詣古今絕唱 >>查看“絕唱”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 千古絕唱a poetic masterpiece through the ages
- 《秦腔》:一曲沉鬱悲涼的大絕唱Qin Accent, a Gloomy and Sad Song Which Is Out of Age
- 讚美春天的千古絕唱——讀喬叟《坎特伯雷故事集·序詩(十八行)》On the Prologue to the Canterbury Tales
- 想在鋼琴上彈奏出生命的絕唱。Playing the piano to the swan song of life.
- 這部作品堪稱千古絕唱。The work can be ranked as a masterpiece throughout the ages