字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>決不的英文翻譯


拼音:jué bù


by no means; in no circumstances; in no sense; in no way; on no account
【法】 never


(1) ∶絲毫不;無論如何不;在任何條件下都不(2) ∶肯定不“決不... >>查看“決不”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 我將決不參與那些無把握的地產買賣。
    No way will I get involved with those dubious property deals.
  2. 我們決不能跟著他們的節奏打,那可是時速100的節奏。
    We must not fall in their game, that is to play at 100 MPH.
  3. 我們決不容許自己被人輕視。
    We will not allow ourselves to be trampled upon.
  4. 繁榮:決不放棄,你將會恢復動力.
    Prosperity: Never give up. You will regain momentum.
  5. 決不參與暴力活動的人
    A man who would never lend himself to violence
  6. 對於敵人,我們決不會心慈手軟。
    We show no mercy to the enemy.
  7. 休想從我這裡探到口風,我決不會泄露。
    Wild horses shall not drag it out of me.
  8. 僅僅一把年紀決不會導致衰老。
    Nobody grows old merely by a number of years.
