拼音:jù é英文解釋:
a huge sum; mint【經】 long figure; mint
巨大的數額巨額金錢 >>查看“巨額”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.mint 2.animmenseamount 3.scads 4.scad例句:
- 有人出巨額薪水聘請他。He's been offered an astronomical salary.
- 戰勝國要求戰敗國交付巨額賠款。The victorious nations are demanding huge indemnities from their former enemies.
- 這要求政府付出巨額開支。It requires government spending on a colossal scale.
- 牙科醫生送來的一張巨額帳單花掉了她許多儲蓄。A large bill from the dentise made a hole in her savings
- 這些國家中有些不再有能力支付巨額貸款的利息。Some of these countries are no longer able to service their massive loans.
- 這次電視答題競賽設立了10萬美元的巨額獎。That television quiz show has built up a jack pot of over $100,000.
- 寧要美好名聲,不要巨額財富。A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches
- 因此,儘管是一個淨債務國,美國仍能產生巨額收入盈餘。So, despite being a net debtor, the US generates a big income surplus