拼音:jú cù英文解釋:
constraint; uneasiness中文解釋:
見“侷促” >>查看“侷促”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 令人侷促的寂靜An uneasy silence.
- 壓倒用大膽或自恃的目光壓倒…;盯得…侷促不安To overcome with a bold or self-assured look; stare down
- 那男孩在校長面前感到侷促不安。The boy was ill at ease in the presence of the headmaster.
- 這些房間的設計使人感到住在裡面有侷促壓抑之感。One feels boxed in here, because of the design of the rooms.
- 在正式的舞會上,我感到侷促不安,很不自在。At the formal party I felt very awkward and out of place.
- 他整個晚上都侷促不安要離開。Throughout the whole of that evening he was on edge to get away.