拼音:jù bèi 英文解釋:
be provided with; have; possess中文解釋:
(1) ∶具有,擁有,有具備條件(2) ∶一切完備;齊備條件尚不具備 >>
查看“具備”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 他們相信蛇具備蠱惑獵物的能力。
They believed that the serpent was capable of fascinating its prey .
- 多麽聳人聽聞的事! 具備連續劇的一切要素
What a sensational story! It has all the elements of a soap opera
- 澳大利亞隊另外還具備了頑強的意志。
The Australian team had the added ingredient of perseverance.
- 具備完成例行的預防性維護。
Ability to perform routine preventive maintenance.
- 他具備一位出色的外科醫生所必備的許多特質。
He has most of the qualities demanded of a successful surgeon
- 格雷特已具備成為一名大演員的必要條件。
Greta has got what it takes to become a great actress
- 好教師應具備的優點
The attributes of a good teacher
- 問:你覺得身為廣播人該具備什麽條件?
Q3: What needful conditions do you think a DJ shoule have