拼音:jǔ bàn 英文解釋:
conduct; hold中文解釋:
(1) ∶開辦舉辦訓練班(2) ∶舉行舉辦展覽會 >>
查看“舉辦”在國語詞典中的解釋 中英例句:
- 舉辦音樂會
give a concert
- 有人建議舉辦音樂會,另外一些人則建議放映電影。
Someone proposed a concert, others proposed a film show
- 我們明天將舉辦一場宴會。你能不能來共襄盛舉
We are going to have a party tomorrow, Could you join us
- 我們下周二要舉辦一個文物展覽。
We are going to put on an exhibition of cultural relics next Tuesday.
- 答:李偉菘音樂課室將舉辦一場選拔賽。
There will only be ONE round of audition.
- 活動舉辦地點的管理機構所發出的許可證明書副本一份。
A copy of written approval from the management authority of the venue
- 2010年冬季奧運會將在加拿大溫哥華舉辦。
V. The 2010 winter Olympics Games will be held in Vancouver, Canada.
- 為了慶祝他的周年紀念他們舉辦了一個宴會。
They held a dinner to celebrate his anniversary