字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>捲曲的的英文翻譯


拼音:juàn qū de


curly; kinkled; kinky
【醫】 capreolary; capreolate; circumflex; circumflexus; convolute; convoluted


  1. 頭髮捲曲的,捲髮的有看起來或摸起來像羊毛的頭髮的
    Having hair that looks or feels like wool.
  2. 一種甘藍,其頭緊密,具褶皺和捲曲的葉。
    cabbage plant with a compact head of crinkled leaves.
  3. 切屑捲曲的力學分析及其套用
    Mechanical Analysis of the Chip Curling and Its Application
  4. 埃弗羅髮式,非洲黑人頭一種圓形的,非常濃密且緊湊捲曲的髮型
    A rounded, very thick, tightly curled hair style
  5. 環繞的;盤繞的或捲曲的
    In rings; coiled or convoluted.
  6. 捲曲的某些葉子的邊緣捲曲的或起皺的
    Curled or ruffled, as the margins of certain leaves
  7. 克里米亞捲毛羔皮由克里米亞地區的羔羊皮製成的灰色捲曲的毛皮
    Gray, curly fur made from the pelts of lambs of the Crimean region.
  8. 捲曲的(同心環或螺旋線)。
    curled or wound (especially in concentric rings or spirals).
