字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>拘的英文翻譯 “拘”的日文翻譯



arrest; inflexible; limit; restrict


拘 jū 逮捕或扣押:拘捕。拘系。拘留。拘拿。拘囚。拘禁。拘押。 限,限制:拘...


  1. 泥形式遵照或順從已被確認的形式、規則或習俗
    Rigorous or ceremonious adherence to established forms, rules, or customs.
  2. 謹的,精煉的風格正式、精緻和克制的
    Formal, refined, and restrained in style.
  3. 他們留了他,想查明他了解什麼情況,但他卻守口如瓶。
    They picked him up to find out what he knew,but he had it all bottled up.
  4. 請隨便些, 在我家不必禮。
    Make yourself at home; there's no reason to stand on ceremony in our home.
  5. 她的小說把英格蘭人的謹和威爾斯人的情感外露很獨特地結合在一起。
    Her novel is an odd synthesis of english reserve and welsh emotionalism.
  6. 留被留狀態;幽禁
    The state of being interned; confinement.
  7. 把罪犯從禁狀態中解放出來並有條件釋放。
    release a criminal from detention and place him on parole
