- 她以奇怪的方式急轉她的頭。
She quirked her head in a peculiar way
- 車道繞過一棵老樹來了個急轉彎。
The driveway makes a hook around an old tree
- 髮夾狀物形狀象髮夾的物體,尤指公路的U形急轉彎
Something shaped like a hairpin, especially a sharp turn in a road
- 務必記住,急轉彎前要減速。
Remember to throttle down before you go round a sharp corner.
- 公路上的一個急轉彎
A sharp turn in the road
- 然而,生意遲早會急轉直下。
However, in time business may take a turn for the worse
- 必須緊急轉身回頭觸壘
Had to double back to touch the missed base.
- 這條路到處都是急轉彎, 開汽車很危險。
The road is full of abrupt turns and is dangerous for motoring.