字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>極致的英文翻譯


拼音:jí zhì


acme; perfection; pink; superlative


最高的造詣聖人之極致,治世之要務也。——何休《公羊解詁序... >>查看“極致”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 一位尼姑將冥想發揮到極致
    One Buddhist nun has taken meditating to extremes .
  2. 瑪麗是美的極致
    Mary is the perfection of beauty.
  3. 我們必須發揮戰術的奇襲效果到極致
    We must exploit tactical surprise to the maxima.
  4. 如果你對戶外的極致景色心馳神往,那么瑞士就是最佳之選。
    If you hanker for the great outdoors, it would be hard to beat Switzerland.
  5. 在愚蠢的情節里,我們看到了自己的愚蠢被發揮到了極致
    In silly stories, we see our own foolishness pushed to ridiculous extremes.
  6. 柯是漂亮到了極致的步行道,是參觀與展示的好去處。
    Chic in the extreme, the Ko is a catwalk--the place to see and be seen.
  7. 到了極致;以完全的方式。
    with sublimity; in a sublime manner
  8. 取名取到這樣,也真是將漢字以形表意的特點發揮到極致了。
    Such a name will not serve much purpose, will it
