拼音:jì yì英文解釋:
consult; deliberate中文解釋:
計畫;商議 從長計議 >>查看“計議”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 他在做出決定之前,總是先到各處去計議一番。He would shop around a bit before making a decision.
- 我們計議一下, 下一步該怎么辦。We consulted as to what should be done next.
- 二人計議已定。The two of them settled on a scheme.
- 他在作出決定之前,總是先到各處計議一番。He would shop around a bit before decision
- 於是,憑桌而坐,對昨晚大傷腦筋的問題,也就“從長計議”了。At my desk, I had a long-view look at my problems.
- 於是,憑桌而坐,對昨晚大傷腦筋的問題,也就“從長計議”了。At my desk, I had a long-view look at my problems