拼音:jī yǎn英文解釋:
clavus; corn【醫】 clavus; corn; heloma; helosis; spinae pedis
腳上因摩擦而形成的小圓硬塊,樣子像雞的眼睛,有壓痛 >>查看“雞眼”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.heloma 2.clavus 3.corns相關對話:
- 他是斗雞眼。His eyes turned in.
- 雞眼,老繭皮膚角質層的局部增厚和增大A localized thickening and enlargement of the horny layer of the skin
- 雞眼,老繭皮膚角質層的局部增厚和增大A localized thickening and enlargement of the horny layer of the skin.
- 他兩隻腳上都有雞眼。He was troubled with corns on both his feet.