拼音:jì xù英文解釋:
continue; keep on; go on; carry over; hold on; pursue; renew; renewal; sequelsucceed; sustain
【醫】 Contin.; sequence
【經】 continuation; continue; extend; keep up
連續下去;不中斷進程他不顧炎熱繼續工作 >>查看“繼續”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- (此操作將重設節點上的所有警告閾值...。是否繼續?) 您已為選定的伺服器指定新的警告閾值。 確認或取消此操作。This will reset all warning thresholds on node .... Continue?
- 愛因斯坦是一個猶太人,他發現他不可能在德國繼續生活下去了。Einsteinwho was a Jew, found it impossible to continue living in Germany
- 一本書或一個劇本的附加部分使其情節繼續發展下去。a part added to a book or play that continues and extends it.
- 他們決定繼續鬥爭。They resolved on continuing the struggle.
- 目前的情況不得再繼續下去了。The present state of affairs cannot be allowed to go on.
- 演講人中途停下來咳嗽,然後又繼續講。The speaker stops in midstream,cough,then start up again.
- 繼續使…在中斷後繼續;重新開始To carry on after an interruption; resume.
- (1) 簡單的一個continue會退回最內層循環的開頭(頂部),並繼續執行。(1).A plain continue goes to the top of the innermost loop and continues.