拼音:jiǔ zuì英文解釋:
half seas over; have a turkey on one's back; under the table【醫】 drunkenness; temulence; temulentia
(1).飲酒過量而神志不清,失態。《魏書·屈拔傳》:“ 拔 酒醉,不覺 盛 之... >>查看“酒醉”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.undertheinfluence 2.temulence 3.inebriation 4.temulentia相關對話:
- 他曾有過酒醉駕車的前科。He has had a conviction for drunken driving.
- 酒醉開車是一種嚴重的違法行為。Driving while drunk is a serious offence.
- 她酒醉時的行為與她清醒時的高雅品德幾乎完全不相稱。Her behaviour when under the influence of alcohol hardly goes with her high standards when sober.
- 狂歡的宴會酒醉的或狂歡的慶祝會A drunken or riotous celebration
- 法官判決那個人酒醉開車有罪。The court determined that the man was guilty of drunken driving.
- 酒醉未醒be drunk and not sobered up yet
- 啊呀,她被葡萄酒醉得不省人事了。Man, she is stoned out of her mind on schoolboy scotch!
- 鬧酒狂歡狂歡的、喧鬧的或酒醉的節日;狂歡A riotous, boisterous, or drunken festivity; a revel