拼音:jiù zhàng英文解釋:
【經】 old account例句:
- 我已完成了我的義務,閣下也應照辦,請按所附舊帳額度立即用支票清償為荷。I've done my part. Won't you do yours and send me your check in payment of the enclosed old account?
- 不要老翻舊帳了,讓我們盡釋前嫌吧。Don't keep picking over our old quarrels; let's be friends again.
- 不要再翻舊帳。Do not rake up old grievances.
- 他支付我們的舊帳單。He settled up our old accounts.
- 她在尋找機會跟她哥哥算舊帳。She is looking for a chance to settle old score with her brother.
- 與某人有舊帳要清算;與某人有爭執待解決Have an account to settle with sb.
- 不要翻舊帳了。Do not rake up the past .