拼音:jiǔ jīng zhōng dú英文解釋:
alcoholism【醫】 alcoholism; ebrietas
- 酗酒者習慣性和過量飲用含有酒精物質的人或者由於酗酒或酒精中毒而遭受痛苦的人A person who drinks alcoholic substances habitually and to excess or who suffers from alcoholism.
- 酒精中毒由過量及習慣性飲酒而造成的一種慢性漸進的病理狀況,主要影響神經及消化系統A chronic, progressive pathological condition, mainly affecting the nervous and digestive systems, caused by the excessive and habitual consumption of alcohol.
- 治療酒精中毒的鎮靜劑。a tranquilizer (trade name Librium) used in the treatment of alcoholism
- 他們看到了酒精中毒,過度肥胖和與貧困相關的疾病所帶來的後果。They saw the effects of alcoholism, obesity and poverty-related illness.
- 治療酒精中毒的鎮靜劑。a tranquilizer (trade name Librium) used in the treatment of alcoholism.
- 結果普通醉酒組54.0%的案前有誘發事件,慢性酒精中毒組案前有誘發事件的為22.2%;Results 54.0% OD group had induced incident compare with 22.2% CA group;