拼音:jiǔ jīng英文解釋:
alcohol; ethanol【化】 alcohol; aqua vitae
【醫】 alcohol; ethanol; ethyl alcohol; grain alcohol; s. v.; sp.; spir.
spirit; spirit of wine; spiritus; spiritus vini; Spt.
乙醇;酒類所含的能使人沉醉的物質,醫藥上用來消毒 >>查看“酒精”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.ethanol 2.ethylalcohol 3.grainalcohol 4.neutralspirit 5.spiritus 6.spirit 7.spiritsofwine 8.aquavitae 9.alky漢語造句:
- 威士忌所含酒精的百分比很高。Whisky contains a large percentage of alcohol.
- 酒精對司機的影響很大。Alcohol has a very bad effect on drivers.
- 這種物質能夠溶解在酒精中。This substance is soluble in alcohol.
- 法律禁止向18歲以下的人出售含有酒精的飲料。The law forbids the sale of alcohol to people under 18.