拼音:jiù jì jīn英文解釋:
alms【經】 relief payment
1.reliefpayment 2.dole 3.publiccharity 4.charity中英例句:
- 許多從沒有料到自己會失業的人,現在只好靠領救濟金過日子。A lot of people who never expected to be unemployed have had to go on the dole.
- 他每個月都能領到固定的救濟金。He received the fixed dole every month.
- 在她失去一條腿後,她開始登記領取救濟金。After she lost a leg, she went on the dole.
- 他們依靠救濟金的生活不安定。They lived in the uncertainty on the dole.