拼音:jiù hù chē英文解釋:
ambulance【醫】 ambulance; auxilium
(1) ∶醫院或醫療單位專門用來運送傷、病員的車輛(2) ∶救援飛機失事的倖存者... >>查看“救護車”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.meatwagon 2.ambulancecar 3.rescuecar 4.motorambulance中英例句:
- 要是他情況惡化,我們就得打電話叫救護車了。If he gets any worse, we must phone for an ambulance.
- 救護車趕到時,圍觀的人已經很多了。By the time the ambulance had arrived, a crowd of onlookers had gathered.
- 救護車把受傷的人火速送到醫院。Ambulances rushed the injured to hospital.
- 救護車及時趕到了那座倒塌的大廈。The ambulance reached the collapsed building in due time.
- 救護車工作人員帶來了一副擔架搶救那位受傷的女子。An ambulance officer brought a stretcher for the injured woman.
- 救護車發動機罩蓋上標有逆序反向字母的AMBULANCE字樣。Ambulances have `AMBULANCE' printed in reverse on their bonnets.
- 救護車響著警報急馳而過。An ambulance was racing along with its sirens wailing.