字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>就此的英文翻譯 “就此”的日文翻譯


拼音:jiù cǐ


at this point; thus


(1).就在此地或此時。《水滸傳》第四九回:“原來這 孫新 ,祖是 瓊州 人氏,... >>查看“就此”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 他對工廠的批評非常嚴厲,並且他就此駁得經理體無完膚。
    His criticism of the factory was very harsh and he tore the manager to pieces over it.
  2. 我不知道,但就此而論,我不介意。
    I don't know, and for that matter, I don't care.
  3. 該國會議員反對(政治活動)卑鄙、奸詐、不正當的行徑,就此確定了辯論的基礎。
    That congressman did not endorse unfair play, injustice and indecency, and thus joined the issue.
  4. 你願不願就此事打個五元的小賭?
    Would you care to place a small wager of $5 on it?
  5. 我們準備就此項工程進行一次國際性招標。
    We are going to make an international bidding for the project.
  6. 對於土體來說 ,到底中主應力對鄧肯 -張模型有多大的影響 ,就此問題 ,對細砂進行了真三軸試驗的初步研究和探討
    The influence of medium stress on Duncan Zhang model is studied.
  7. 雙方正就此事進行交涉。
    The two sides are negotiating about it.
  8. 一場火燒毀了他開的店,他的事業就此完蛋。
    His business was done in by a fire that burned down his store
