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boarding house中文解釋:
(1).由國家或團體、企事業單位等為職工或學生提供的公共宿舍。(2).泛指離家在... >>查看“寄宿舍”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 供膳食的寄宿舍收費提供客人膳宿的房屋A house where paying guests are provided with meals and lodging
- 他在倫敦東區租用寄宿舍。He took lodgings in the East End of London
- 一部分錢被撥出來作為建造寄宿舍之用。Part of the money was set off for the building of a boarding house.
- 一部分錢被撥出來作為建造寄宿舍之用。Part of the money was set off for the building of a boarding house