字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>計數順序的英文翻譯


拼音:jì shù shùn xù


【計】 counting sequence


  1. 計數順序一百的序列數。
    the ordinal number of one hundred in counting order.
  2. 計數順序四十的序列數。
    the ordinal number of forty in counting order.
  3. 計數順序七十的序列數。
    the ordinal number of seventy in counting order.
  4. 計數順序五十的序列數。
    the ordinal number of fifty in counting order.
  5. 計數順序六十的序列數。
    the ordinal number of sixty in counting order.
  6. 計數順序一百萬的序列數。
    the ordinal number of one million in counting order.
  7. 計數順序八十的序列數。
    the ordinal number of eighty in counting order.
  8. 計數順序一千的序列數。
    the ordinal number of one thousand in counting order.
