- 論1876至1879年間西方新教傳教士的對華賑濟事業
Reliei Effoits of Western Christan Missionaries in China from 1876 to 1879
- 這是一項突擊任務, 人少了不濟事。
This is a shock task. It'll be no good to be short of hands.
- 對音樂有所選擇的品味;以綜合各派的方式來處理經濟事務
An eclectic taste in music; an eclectic approach to managing the economy
- 國家經營的經濟事業,在目前,只限於可能的和必要的一部分。
At present, state enterprise is limited to what is possible and essential.
- 這是一項突擊任務, 人少了不濟事。
This is a shock task It'll be no good to be short of hands
- 責兒不濟事,榜樣有力量。
Children have more need of model than critic.
- 經濟事務大臣
Minister of Economic Affairs
- 囚犯撫慰及救濟事業費五百利弗
Work for the relief and delivery of prisoners... 500 "