拼音:jí qiè 英文解釋:
in a hurry; in haste; on edge
(1) ∶緊急迫切急切的感情(2) ∶匆忙;倉猝急切間想不出有誰能來幫忙 >>
查看“急切”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
onedge 2.
earnestness 中英例句:
- 警方急切地想弄清這一神秘事件的真相。
The police is eager to get to the bottom of this mystery.
- 他急切地取食物,因為從黎明開始,他一直沒吃東西。
He took the food eagerly, for he had eaten nothing since dawn.
- 他急切地要離開。
He was in a hurry to leave.
- 她急切地要見到你。
She is anxious to see you.
- 他急切地想知道關於牧場的一切。
He is eager to know everything about the farm.
- 因為嫉妒而急切地想擁有某物。
an envious eagerness to possess something.
- 他走進城堡,心情急切地想見兒子。
He entered the castle,eager to see him.
- 我急切想知道結果。
I’m dying to know the result.