- 秘書長對緩和那個地區的緊張局勢做了很多工作。
The secretary general did much to ease the tension in the area.
- 巴勒斯坦主席的演說增加了近東的緊張局勢。
The recent speech of the PLO chairman augmented tensions in the Near East.
- 邊境上的緊張局勢加重了我們對戰爭的憂慮。
The serious incident along the border increased our fears of the war.
- 這項協定的簽訂將有助於緩和國際緊張局勢。
The signing of this agreement will help to reduce international tension.
- 鑒於此,或許不用一顆飛彈就能引發兩國間當前的緊張局勢了。
It could take less than a bomb to detonate such a situation
- 朝鮮半島緊張局勢明顯走向緩和。
The tense situation on the Korean Peninsula is markedly easing off.
- 鑒於此,或許不用一顆飛彈就能引發兩國間當前的緊張局勢了。
It could take less than a bomb to detonate such a situation.
- 那么,為什麼選舉過程中會出現如此多的緊張局勢,而且普京是想證明什麼呢?
So why so much nervousness and what was Mr Putin trying to prove?