拼音:jìn qíng 英文解釋:
as much as one likes
(1) ∶儘量抒發情感,不受約束女孩子們在盡情歡笑(2) ∶儘量報答別人的好意不... >>
查看“盡情”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 繼續玩,盡情地玩個痛快吧。
Go on, enjoy yourself, let yourself go.
- 他們開始盡情地觀光遊覽。
They embarked on an orgy of sightseeing.
- 他盡情欣賞這美麗的景色。
He feasted his eye on the beautiful scene.
- 我們盡情地欣賞美景。
We feasted our eyes on the beautiful scene.
- 讓我在幻想的時候盡情地幻想吧。
Let me fancy while I may.
- 他盡情欣賞這美麗的景色。
He feasted his eye on the beautiful scene.
- 用你自己的步伐和節奏,盡情地狂舞。
make up your own steps and go wild.
- (儘管下著雨,我們還是盡情享受假日。)
In spite of the rain, we enjoyed our vacation.