拼音:jìng zuò英文解釋:
sit quietly; sit still as a form of therapy【法】 stay in
(1) ∶排除思慮,閉目安坐(2) ∶氣功療法用靜坐來治療疾病(3) ∶抗議或請... >>查看“靜坐”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.sit-downstrike 2.sittingstill 3.downtools 4.meditation 5.TranscendentalMeditation 6.TM例句:
- 學生們在樓房裡靜坐示威一整夜。The students sat in night in the building.
- 有些人可以四海為家地無拘無束,也有些人可以靜坐家中而神遊四海。Some persons can be everywhere at home; others can sit amusingly at home and be everywhere.
- 靜靜坐著不合男孩的本性。Sitting still is foreign to a boy's mature.
- 工人們以靜坐罷工的方式反對董事會的決定。The workers countered the Board’s resolution with a stay-in strike.
- 所有的學生都在靜坐,拒絕離開大樓。All the students sat down and refused to leave the building.
- 靜靜坐下,最好坐在椅子上,雙腳平放地上。Sit quietly with both feet on the floor, preferably upon a chair.
- 釋迦牟尼據說在一棵知識之樹下靜坐時獲得覺悟。Buddha said enlightenment came while sitting beneath the Tree of Knowledge.
- 我並不想和犬牙打交道,就靜坐著不動;Not anxious to come in contact with their fangs, I sat still;