拼音:jīng yíng zhě英文解釋:
【經】 marketing manager; operator相關詞條:
- 她是一位英國旅遊經營者的當地代表。She is the local representative for a British tour operator.
- 乳牛場的經營者或所有人。the owner or manager of a dairy
- 而此時此刻仍然縈繞於我們的耳際的是旅行社經營者雇用的那位俄羅斯姑娘的那番戀戀不捨的告別話,她再三叮囑我們要再來。operator, who urges us to come again
- 管理者(工商企業的)經營者或負責人The owner or manager of a business or an industrial enterprise
- 土地的持有者和經營者。a holder or proprietor of land.
- 旅遊經營者承認他們的導遊搞錯了。The tour operator admitted that the courier have make a mistake