拼音:jīng yà 英文解釋:
amazed; astounded; surprised; wonder
驚異;驚奇她已司空見慣,從不顯得驚訝 >>
查看“驚訝”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
yipe 2.
miration 3.
surprise 4.
suprise 5.
astoundment 6.
astonishment 7.
oops 8.
swoon 9.
stound 10.
wonder 漢語造句:
- 我打開了郵件,驚訝地發現了一個打碎的花瓶。
I opened my mail and was surprised to see a broken vase.
- 她恢復得那么快,我們都有些驚訝。
We are surprised by the rapidity of her recovery.
- 他驚訝得眼珠子差一點跳出來。
His eyes nearly jumped from their sockets in surprise.
- 他驚訝地發現他最好的朋友竟成了叛徒。
He was surprised to discover that his best friend had turned traitor.
- 我想她聽說真相後一定很驚訝。
I imagined she was quite surprised when she heard the truth.
- “天哪!”是一個表示驚訝的感嘆語。
"Good heavens!" is an exclamation of surprise.
- 他驚訝地豎起了眉毛。
His brows went up in surprise.