拼音:jīng tōng 英文解釋:
be proficient in; conversance; familiarity; mastery; perfectness
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查看“精通”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
conversancy 2.
conversance 3.
beproficientin 4.
familiarity 5.
master 6.
proficiency 7.
mastery 8.
familarity 9.
haveagoodcommandof 10.
bemasterof 11.
athomein 12.
beperfectin 13.
getthemasteryof 14.
bewellseen 15.
obtainthemasteryof 16.
wellupin 相關對話:
- 精通一門外語難不難?
Is it difficult to feel at home in (ie confident when using) a foreign language?
- 那個加拿大籍日本人兩種語言都精通。
The Canadian-Japanese is at home in both languages.
- 他顯示了對阿拉伯語的精通。
He demonstrated a mastery of Arabic.
- 我已精通經濟學的基本原理。
I have mastered the rudiments of economics.
- 我們的經理精通會計制度。
Our manager is conversant with account system.
- 但願我能精通這門學科就好了。
I wish I could be a master of this subject.