字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>電晶體的的英文翻譯


拼音:jīng tǐ guǎn de


【計】 transistorized


  1. 新型電晶體的開關時間縮短為三分之一.
    Switching time of the new type transistor is shortened 3 times.
  2. InAs/InP_(0.7)Sb_(0.3)熱電子電晶體的電流增益及最高收集極電壓
    Current Gain and Maximum Collector Voltage of InAs/InP_(0.7)Sb_(0.3) HET
  3. Ka波段高電子遷移率電晶體的研製
    Development of Ka-Band High Electron Mobility Transistor
  4. 新型電晶體的開關時間縮短了五分之四。
    Switching time of the new-type transistor is shortened five times.
  5. 隨著電晶體的發展,電子設備體積急劇縮小。
    With the development of transistor, electronic devices shrink tremendously.
  6. 複合電晶體的電泳法玻璃鈍化研究
    On Glass Passivation by Electrophoresis in Darlington Production
  7. 新型電晶體的開關時間縮短了三分之二。(或---縮短為三分之一。)
    The switching time of the new-type transistor is shortened three times .
  8. Bi-CMOS雙極型電晶體的研製
    Development of a Bi-CMOS Bipolar Transistor
