拼音:jīng tāo hài làng 英文解釋:
a situation full of danger; terrifying waves中文解釋:
洶湧的波浪。比喻處境惡劣或經歷曲折不平讓那驚濤駭浪激起他戰鬥的豪情壯志 >>
查看“驚濤駭浪”在國語詞典中的解釋 漢語造句:
- 小船駛過驚濤駭浪。
The boat rode over angry waves.
- 他們冒著驚濤駭浪去拯救遭遇海難的人。
They ventured out on the stormy sea to rescue the shipwrecked people.
- 海員們開始準備應付一個驚濤駭浪之夜。
The sailors began to prepare against a rough night
- 經過了海上航行的驚濤駭浪,我們十分高興來到陸地上。
After the rough sea voyage we were glad to reach terra firma.
- 在驚濤駭浪的海面上進行的一次歷盡艱險的航行
A rough passage on the stormy sea.
- 任何驚濤駭浪都不能動搖他堅如磐石的決心。
No tempest is capable of shattering his firm determination.