- 悲傷,悲痛由於失去而導致的精神上的極度痛苦
Deep mental anguish, as that arising from bereavement.
- 怪癖精神上的怪癖;古怪的舉動
A mental peculiarity; a quirk.
- 劇痛身體上或精神上的劇痛;極度痛苦
Agonizing physical or mental pain; torment.
- 崩潰在精神上或體力上的崩潰
To have a mental or physical breakdown.
- 再生的感情上或精神上復活或再產生的
Emotionally or spiritually revived or regenerated.
- 一個進入頹廢狀態的人(精神上或藝術上)。
a person who has fallen into a decadent state (morally or artistically).
- 用了十年我們才從精神上和經濟上恢復過來。
It took a decade to recover emotionally and financially
- 從精神上或感情上對不好的事情做好預備。
prepare mentally or emotionally for something unpleasant.